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The path to designing the best electric motors

Get introduced to Ansys Motor-CAD

The Integrated Multiphysics Analysis Software for Electric Motor Design

Motor-CAD is the world-leading dedicated electric motor design software for multiphysics simulation of electrical machines across the full torque-speed range.

Evaluate motor topologies and concepts across the full operating range and produce designs that are optimized for size, performance and efficiency. MotorCAD software’s four integrated modules — EMag, Therm, Lab and Mech — perform multiphysics calculations quickly and iteratively, so you can get from concept to final design in less time.

With decreasing development cycles, motor designers need to make design decisions quickly, and with certainty that they will not face problems down the line. Fast calculations and streamlined data input processes leave time for Motor-CAD users to explore more motor topologies and fully assess the impact of advanced loss effects in the initial stages of a design.

Motor-CAD software’s intuitive, template-based setup and embedded multiphysics expertise simplifies the design process and reduces reliance on multiple teams for specific electromagnetic, thermal or mechanical experience — so motor designers can keep more control over their designs.

Interested?  Read our detailed Motor-CAD brochure with features & workflows!

Or watch our 5 minute video where you will learn all you need to know about Electric Motor Design!


Motor-CAD: Integrated Multiphysics Design Tool


Detailed Modeling Analysis and Validation

Motor-CAD is linked to Maxwell to perform detailed design and validation after the initial design.

Maxwell can execute rigorous 2D and 3D performance calculations of the machine, including the motion-induced physics caused by linear translational and rotational motion, advanced hysteresis analysis, demagnetization of permanent magnets and other critical electromagnetic machine parameters.

Maxwell is integrated into ANSYS Electronics Desktop, where it can share the same CAD source and can be coupled to ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Fluent or ANSYS Icepak. Mechanical’s stress, thermal, CFD and acoustic solvers provide important multiphysics capabilities required for a detailed analysis of the electric machine. Losses calculated by Maxwell can be used as inputs to the thermal or CFD solver to calculate the temperature distribution of the machine and evaluate cooling strategies.

Electromagnetic forces and torque calculated in Maxwell are used as inputs to the stress solver to analyze deformations and further assess potential vibrations. The ability to perform an in depth multiphysics analysis with ANSYS’ powerful solvers truly sets the ANSYS Motor-CAD apart from the competition.

Interested? Read our detailed Motor-CAD brochure with features & workflows!

Or simply contact us at so we can find out how to make your business jump ahead of your competition!





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