Streamlined RF, Microwave, and Digital Filter Design with Ansys Nuhertz FilterSolutions
The software streamlines the design, synthesis, and optimization of RF, microwave, and digital filters. It automates the process by starting with user-defined performance specifications, synthesizing both lumped component and physical filter layouts, and setting up analysis and optimization in Ansys HFSS. FilterSolutions provides performance metrics from layout to electromagnetic (EM) optimization, enabling the creation of high-performance microwave and mm-wave filters without extensive manual tuning. Its advanced CAE approach ensures tuning-free designs that accommodate manufacturing or material tolerances, helping engineers produce accurate first prototypes quickly and efficiently.
- Planar Filter Realizations
- Automatic Filter Synthesis
- Active and Passive Filters Design
- Digital (IIR, FIR) Filters
- Distributed Filter Layout Synthesis
- Lumped, Distributed Element Filters
- Ansys HFSS and Nexxim Integration
- Embedded Component Databases
Check out the key features of Ansys Nuhertz FilterSolutions
Useful for Novices and Filter Experts Alike
Dual user interfaces offer options for both simple and advanced filter design. For beginners, the FilterQuick interface allows quick synthesis of common filter topologies. Experts can use the Filter Advanced interface for advanced features like filter shaping, pole-zero control, custom transfer functions, and duplexer/multiplexer design.
Lumped (Passive) Filter Module
The tool synthesizes lumped component filters (single or double-termination) for selected topologies to meet specified performance characteristics. Standard-value components with set tolerances can be used for Monte-Carlo analysis, with ideal, finite Q, or vendor-based component models.
Distributed Filter Module
It synthesizes planar filter layouts on accurate materials, integrating transmission lines, vias, and lumped elements. It supports substrates like microstrip and stripline. Layouts are fully parameterized and seamlessly transferred to Ansys HFSS for automatic EM analysis and design optimization.
Active Filter Module
The capability of synthesizes filters without inductors, using OpAmp-based designs to meet specific performance requirements. It supports various topologies like Thomas, Sallen-Key, and Leapfrog. Users can incorporate OpAmp models from vendors and include finite Q effects in their designs.
Switched-Capacitor Filter Module
Switched-Capacitor filters, ideal for semiconductor processes, use capacitors and switching transistors instead of inductors and resistors. The Switched-Capacitor Filter module synthesizes IIR and FIR designs, supporting Bilinear, Matched-Z, Step Invariant, Modified Impulse Invariant, and custom Z-transform topologies.
Digital Filter Module
For digital signal processing (DSP) and sampled systems, FilterSolutions synthesizes filter coefficients based on user-specified performance and desired topology. Software offering realizations of filter as discrete transfer functions, filter coefficients, or C code for DSP integration.
Impedance Matching Module
Zmatch synthesizes matching networks for maximum power transfer based on complex load definitions. It supports both Discrete Frequency and Broadband Match modes, providing optimal matching networks in lumped, distributed, and hybrid realizations.
Active Filter Implementations
A wide range of active filter topologies is supported, including Thomas 1 and 2, Sallen & Key, Parallel, Akerberg, Multiple Feedback (MFB), GIC Biquad, GIC Ladder, and Leap Frog. These options give engineers the flexibility to design, optimize, and fine-tune filters to meet specific performance requirements.
Software Sales
If you have any general questions about our Ansys, Moldex3D, Dante, Particleworks, or CF Turbo simulation software (quotation, licensing, training), please contact us using one of the following contact details. Please note that our software is only available to customers from the following countries: Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Macedonia.
sales (at)
+36 1 279 0320

Greg Lipóczi, Dr.
Commercial Director

László Molnár, Ph.D.
Academic & Key Account Representative

Péter Bara
Key Account Manager
East Hungary

János Simon
Key Account Manager
West Hungary