Moldex3D - The leading true-3D molding simulation software
Moldex3D is the world leading CAE product for the plastic injection molding industry. With the best-in-class analysis technology, Moldex3D can help you carry out in-depth simulation of the widest range of injection molding processes and to optimize product designs and manufacturability. In addition, its high compatibility and adaptability have provided users with instant connection to mainstream CAD systems, generating a flexible simulation-driven design platform. The improved and user friendly Studio interface includes every necessary pre- and post-processing tools, to make the simulation as efficient as possible. Explore the endless possibilities of Moldex3D!
- In-depth process analysis and warpage verification
- Repair poor quality files and geometries with Moldex3D CADdoctor
- Simulate in your own CAD system with SYNC
- Perform Design Of Experiments (DOE) with Expert module
- Analyse short fiber reinforced polymers
- Cooling channel analyses with 3D coolant CFD
- Evaluate product mechanical performance
- Investigate viscoelastic properties
- Heat management optimization with Advanced Hot Runner
- Powder Injection Molding
- Compression Molding process simulation
- Innovative molding technologies
Check out the key features of Moldex3D
In-depth process analysis and warpage verification
Verify and qualify common filling ploblems, like weld line positions and weld line quality, flow marks, air traps, burn marks, Diesel-effect, short shot problem, unbalanced filling or flow hesitation. Optimize the gate location with gate location advisor to achive the best flow behaviour. Find the gate freezing time to optimize packing settings, analyse the results for detecting sink marks, flashes and voids and overcome gate sealing or overpacking. Check cooling efficiency to minimize cycle time, identify hot-spots in product and mold to improve Your cooling layout. Evaluate warpage and deformation with several measuring tools, and analyse residual stresses to investigate the product performace after manufacturing.
Repair poor quality files and geometries with Moldex3D CADdoctor
CADdoctor enables multi-CAD data exchange, geometry simplification and verification, quality check, etc. CADdoctor helps users automatically check and fix poor-quality CAD geometries, which will enhance mesh quality thus analysis accuracy. The software is compatible with several CAD formats like STL, STEP, IGES or native file extensions like Catia V5, Creo (Pro/E) or NX (UG).
Simulate in your own CAD system with SYNC
Moldex3D SYNC brings a simulation-driven design environment to the users. With its powerful analysis capabilities fully embedded into mainstream CAD softwares (Soldiworks, PTC Creo, NX), CAD users can synchronize design changes and quickly validate part designs. The easy-to-use interface streamlines the workflow and reduces pre- and post-processing time, and provides calculation results in few minutes.
Perform Design Of Experiments (DOE) with Expert module
Expert module helps users evaluate optimal process conditions, such as packing time, cooling time, or mold temperature. Moldex3D Expert creates analysis variations based on the Full-factorial or Taguchi method, and selects the best option according to user-specified outputs. It generates response surfaces to better understand the effect of specified parameters. This solution enables the automatic analysis and comparison of different predefined gating locations, taking into account warpage behavior and dimensional accuracy.
Analyse short fiber reinforced polymers
With Moldex3D fiber module customers can visualize fiber orientation, calculate fiber-length distribution and fiber concentration. The software takes into consideration the flow-induced anisotropic thermo-mechanical properties for long and short fiber-reinforced plastics. Users can predict warpage distribution affacted by fiber orientation and evaluate part strength. Moldex3D provides the possibility throught FEA/Micromechanics interface to use the results from injection molding simulation in the industrial leading structural analysis softwares. Users can export fiber orientation, residual stress, and temperature distribution results to calculate further structural performance of the product.
Evaluate product mechanical performance
Moldex3D provides general mechanical analysis options to evaluating product stress and deformation distribution considering the effect of process induced anisotropy, fiber orientation and weld line strength. Users can choose from force, displacement and pressure boundary conditions. Thanks to the module diversity, it offers a great option to analize the insert deformation during the filling process, to investigate the process induced stress field of moldplates or even perform annealing analyses on product to minimize residual stresses.
Investigate viscoelastic properties
Considering the viscoelastic behaviour of the material users can get insight into the residual stress distribution in the product, so the optical properties also can be investigated. Based on these results further optical properties can be evaluated like flow or thermally induced birefringence, refractive index and retardation. This module makes possible to model specific defects like stress marks, tiger striping or jetting.
Heat management optimization with Advanced Hot Runner
This module gives designers a wide range of possibilities to investigate the flow behaviour, temperature and pressure conditions in the hot runner system, check the filling balance in a multi cavity mold, or to optimize thermal management. Designers can investigate the optimal placement and heating power of heating rods and coils. Users can simulate controlled valve gate opening, or consider the effect of pin movement on flow behaviour or shear stress distribution.
Powder Injection Molding
This module provides an outstanding tool for simulating metal-, ceramic- and glass injection molding. Users can analyse the flow patterns, shear rate and powder concentration distribution, which is important for detect and prevent typical flow induced defects, like black-marks. With results like warpage, volumetric shrinkage and residual stress distribution designers can make predictions of dimensional propertis of the green part.
Compression Molding process simulation
With Moldex3D Compression Molding modul users can verify and qualify common injection molding ploblems, like weld line positions and weld line quality, fiber orientation and fiber distribution. Designers can try different charge positions and can evaluate the optimal charge size to achive the best product quality. Warpage resuls are also available, which helps engineers to detect the underlying causes and prevent later dimensional problems.
Innovative molding technologies
Several advanced injection molding technologies are used worldwide. Because the complexity of these technologies, moldmaking and production is more expensive, than general injection molding. According to that it is essentail to make check product quality in the early phase of development. Moldex3D helps engineers to validate their designs and investigate defects in the field of Bi-and Co-Injection molding, Gas/water assisted injection molding, Injection compression molding, Foam injection molding, Chemical foaming and Resin transfer Molding.
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Software Sales
If you have any general questions about our Ansys, Moldex3D, Dante, Particleworks, or CF Turbo simulation software (quotation, licensing, training), please contact us using one of the following contact details. Please note that our software is only available to customers from the following countries: Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Macedonia.
sales (at)
+36 1 279 0320

Greg Lipóczi, Dr.
Commercial Director

László Molnár, Ph.D.
Academic & Key Account Representative

Péter Bara
Key Account Manager
East Hungary

János Simon
Key Account Manager
West Hungary